A recently published research article introduces a framework for event semantic processing, evaluating how large language models (LLMs) understand, reason, and make predictions about events. The team of authors from Peking University proposes a new benchmark, EVEVAL, accompanied by noteworthy findings that indicate a need for further evaluation in this area.

EVEVAL: A Novel Benchmark for Event Semantic Processing

To effectively assess the abilities of LLMs in event semantic processing, the authors of the study propose a benchmarking framework called EVEVAL. The EVEVAL benchmark covers aspects such as understanding, reasoning, and prediction, and encompasses eight datasets. By conducting experiments on EVEVAL, the paper aims to provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of LLMs in tackling event semantic processing challenges.

The research comprehensively explores event semantic processing by focusing on three key aspects:


Understanding requires accurately comprehending the meaning of an event and judging the likelihood of the event occurring. The paper evaluates LLMs using the Intra-event and Inter-event tasks for understanding, which involve picking plausible events and identifying semantically similar events, respectively.


Reasoning involves factors such as causality, temporality, counterfactuals, and intent. The authors evaluate LLMs using the causal, temporal, and counterfactual tasks to examine their reasoning ability on event semantics.


Prediction involves forecasting future events based on LLMs’ analysis of current situations and prototypical logic between events. The authors test LLMs using Script and Counterfactual Story Rewriting tasks, which focus on selecting correct future events and revising original stories, respectively.

Gaining Insights from LLM Performance on EVEVAL

The experiments conducted with state-of-the-art LLMs provide valuable insights into event semantic processing. While LLMs exhibit impressive understanding of individual events, their ability to perceive semantic similarity between events is limited.

When it comes to reasoning, LLMs excel in causal and intentional relations but struggle with other relation types. This suggests that event causality and intent patterns may be more prevalent and easier to learn than other relations.

In the predictive aspect, LLMs demonstrate improved forecasting abilities when provided with more contextual information. However, they find it challenging to perform script-based prediction tasks as they are limited to primary arguments.

Impact of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Event Representations

Evaluating various Chain-of-Thought (CoT) methods on all tasks reveals that LLMs can better handle complex reasoning tasks by providing context, knowledge, and patterns of events. CoT is an approach that improves LLMs’ proficiency by prompting step-by-step thinking.

The research also compares natural language and JSON format event representations for LLMs. Both formats perform similarly in event processing, providing valuable insights for embodied AI research fields. There is an opportunity to explore enhanced event representations for improved LLM performance.

Takeaway: Improving AI Capabilities in Event Semantic Processing

This comprehensive evaluation of LLMs in event semantic processing sheds light on the potential for future improvement in AI capabilities. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of current LLMs, researchers can develop models that understand, reason, and predict events more effectively.

The EVEVAL benchmark offers a means to measure advancements in event semantic processing, paving the way for AI systems to better comprehend and analyze events like humans. As researchers continue to explore the underlying mechanisms and representations that LLMs use for event semantic processing, we can expect more sophisticated AI models in the future that are better equipped to handle complex tasks.

Original Paper